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Sunday, June 24, 2007

The comments!

Bad refers to my negative side, good refers to my positive side, and the numbers refers to my rating, 1-5, 1 is bad and 5 is obviously the opposite of 1.
Anne: (bad)Lame (good)Easy-going, 4
Anna:(bad)Shy (good) Guai-kia look, 3
Lutfi:(bad)None (good)Friendly, funny, 3
Patricia:(bad)Skin too white .__." (good)Smile, appearance, (xi xin), clever, make people laugh, confident, hardworking, cute little junior =D and for (ai mei) i dunno is good or bad o_o, 5!
Serbian:(bad)none (good)nice, 5!
Kai xuan: (bad)Talk too straight, forget what others feel, crap too much, some time tend to hold back, ideas too unrealistic and difficult, too sensitive, too concern to know how others feel about you(me) (good)Humourous, sensible, responsible, great and creative ideas, strong willpower, don show hate for people, willing to forgive, funloving, 4
Sharon:(bad)indecisive (good)friendly, sweet, 4
Karenn:Friend friend...(!?), 3
Jasmine:(bad)none (good) nice quiet guy, 4
Jiaying:(good & bad)quite quiet at times (good)humourous, 3.5
Kenweei:(bad)over-selfprotecting, dun wish to believe the others 2nd time, think that i(kenweei) will bully him(me) when i(kenweei) wont (a bit confusing >_<) (good) you(me) really help when i(kenweei) needed your(me) help (confusing again), noe you(me) tried your best to help me(kenweei), 5!
Miaohui:(bad)none (good)Better (than) in terms of character and appearance, 4
Peikee:(bad)shy, too sensitive (good)humourous, quite fun, 4
Jingyu:no comments, 3.5
Jinteng:(bad)sometimes too quiet den ppl dunno what u(me) thinking sial (good)entertaining, have cute responds, 3
kimseah:(bad)anti-social(hit the spot) (good)good listener at times, friendly, good, 3
Binghan:(bad)bad influence to others(as if he is good influence like that...), abit gay(....), anti-social (good) abit diligent, loyal, friendly, abit gay(..............), 3
Mum:(bad)bad temper, always bu gan yuan sleep (good)Guai, no bad habit, din go out at night, 4
Dad:(bad)stubborn (good)never mix with bad ppl, studies are ok, 3
Wei jie:(bad)lazy, rude, not tink hua, insensitive, cant weigh matters properly, impatient, act cute, procrastinate (good)Dont smoke, dont drink, sometime sensible, dont fight, 4
Fun jie:(bad)addicted to games, gentle(!?!?), stubborn like cow, timid (good)none, 3
explaination to some words-- (xi xin) something like caring,(ai mei) care too much for appearance, (bu gan yuan) not willing to, (guai)listens or something like that, (procrastinate)drag time(thats wat she tells me)

breaking free

6:00 AM

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

A new day! A new experience! A new trouble...zzzz

One fine afternoon, i was tiredly trotting back to my home when i came across an obstacle! Well... it was actually before i was trotting back to home... and so... this is how it should be! One fine afternoon when i was tiredly and yet happily trotting towards the bus that is heading to the direction of my home, i came across an obstacle! When i got on the bus, i felt veeeeery tired, but den! when i still dunno wat happened! the bus started to roar!! (the engine's roaring if you know what that meant) Then! the bus din move, so i find it strange lor. After waiting patiently in the bus for a few minutes, i saw the bus driver leaving the bus! After that, i concluded that the bus got problem! (not that i'm very happy about it, but it is a new experience after all) The auntie beside me was like.. *grumble grumble* so i was like.. *mumble mumble* then i heard the uncle behind me *babble babble* and the lady beside him was like..*-____-* the bus driver then came back and called us to alight and take another bus, so we all got down obediently (with mumbles of course, but i dun get why some were so happy!?) AND YOU NOE WATTT!! the story haven ended yet!! so... the bus driver got back to his driver's seat, while we are waiting (me impatiently while others still smiling happily!?) the bus jerked to the front! then to the back! then to the front again! The driver then came out of the car again and called us all BACK into the bus, then i was like..."what the...f....f...ish!?"(some still smiling!?!?) we got back to where we sat and the bus finally moved! yay, so i was happy that i can finally go home. AND YOU NOE WATTT!! the story still haven ended yet!! When the bus tried to move after waiting for the traffic light, it cant move again, this time we all got doowwnnnn again and really wait for the next bus liao(ppl who smile just now got irritated too, but there are some still smiling!!! wonder wats so funny about it .__.) after that is the end of the story liao cuz we all boarded the next bus and went home. even thought it has wasted a lot of my time hor, but i was able to find something interesting about it lar, cuz i saw the engine at the backside of the bus!! *Woohoo!* ~Liang signing off!

breaking free

7:13 AM

Saturday, April 21, 2007

New school... new faces... new experience...

Ahh... finally i'm in my new school... so whats so special about that you ask? well... nothing special actually.. cuz i never blog so long liao.. so.. you know the drill... anyways, i've got some new frens there liao.. my class very small leh.. only got 22 ppl. Dunno its counted as good or bad X_x Then hor.. everyday muz bring the 2.++ kg laptop sia, wa lau.. very sian diao lor zzzzz then they also nv say when need to bring or when not to bring.. bah! then i also found out that my course need to take photograph... do 3D animation... do drawing(dang.. i sux at that..) then the worse thing is still got english lesson one... they module din say it is english leh.. its call character development and critical reasoning skills(call it so nice... i thought it was CME or something at first -___-)
It seems quite nice and fun la... in the beginning.. hope it continues to stay fun in the days to come. so this is liang... signing off..

breaking free

9:31 PM

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Good news.. well at least it seems good to me =\

i dunno about you but.... i went for a haircut!!

breaking free

5:03 AM

Monday, March 05, 2007

something happened!!!!!!!! (part 2)

on the next day after the almost sleepless night, my dad spotted 1 of the raccoons left at the same spot, (there were actually 4) apparently, the other 3 left 1 of their kins behind (how bad of em!) when my father try to splash water on it again, it started to call, probably for its parents, then the pouring idea was dropped. my mum then hanged a piece of apple on a stick at stuck it out to the poor abandoned raccoon for it to it. however it didn't, it just looked at the apple. my mum (getting tired of holding the stick) put the stick on one of the branches and the railings so that it can eat it when its hungry. after quite sometime i went out to check on it to just to realise it was nibbling the apple away!! you couldn't imagine how cute it is!! it stucked out it's two front paws to hold the apple and nibble the apple like that of a rabbit nibbling a carrot. well... the sad thing is that in the afternoon, its gone =( oh well... hope it can survive the 'wilderness' out there!

breaking free

11:12 PM

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Something happened!!!!!!!!! (part 1)

It is a cold night, the leaves are hustling in the playful winds... i was sleeping then.. and Suddenly! my dog barks!! i usually wouldn't care about it but he barked for quite a long time. Then... my neighbour's alarm went off!!!!! OMG! Don't tell me there are thieves!! i slept there waiting... waiting for it to stop... AND!!!..... it eventually did.. so i gave out a sigh and went back to sleep, but my dog keeps on barking... anyways its impossible to sleep, so i went downstairs (cautiously) and peek at my dog, he's barking at the direction behind his dog house, but it was too dark and i was unable to find anything. i waited quite some time to see if there are some movements. TO MY HORROR!!! i din see anything, so i went back up to bed went to dog stopped barking. after a while he barked again, this time my parents woke up and went down to check too. they keep thinking it was some burglers but why would burglers stay at the same spot for so long? then they on the spotlight and you know what we saw!?!?! well we saw nothing until we got out of the house with a flashlight. heres something for you to guess what we saw. is it a) cat b) mouse c) snake or d) komodo dragon? take some time to guess.... don't cheat! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ok heres the answer... it was e) none of the above xD its a raccoon! so we were like.. omg! then my dad splash some water on them to chase them away (awww....) so that we can sleep! (all that dog's fault!)

breaking free

10:59 PM

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


poor me.. got scolded for not opening the window and not drinking water.... i was reading the newspaper when my family members came back home from shopping, the window behind me is not opened and my dad call me to open it. like i said i was reading the newspaper, so i was reading halfway and answered with a 'mmm' and continue reading. my dad then said again and i din reply this time, on the third time i replied that i was reading the newspaper halfway and he started to scold me, saying 'read newspaper cannot open window meh? so next time your conputer spoil i dun bring it to the repairs la!', after being scolded of course i went to open the window. but i was really angry cause its just a window, so why should i get scolded man! for ventilation only what, furthermore i did on the fan and why did he bring up the computer thing? i mean this doesn't concerns the window what. after that is my mum's turn... she asked why i din drink the water on the table, i replied i was reading the newspaper. for NO reason she started to scold me... saying 'read newspaper cannot drink water meh? even when reading there are more important things to do you go do first ma, later also can read. do other work first before you do yours.', then i was like... nothing to say, what has this got to do with not drinking water?? sigh... read newspaper also can get scolded... what to do?

breaking free

10:19 PM

Lee Wei Liang
16 now(30/07/1990)

